
The 3 stages

What is the procedure?

The 3Smile process is quite simple and follows 3 basic steps:

Stage No 1

Book a free online diagnostic appointment at a partner clinic in the clinic finder.

Visit a licensed dentist for a personal digital or analogue impression and find out the cost of your treatment.

We create a 3D image of your teeth with which we can see and plan the course of your smile.

Your licensed dentist or orthodontist will review and approve your customized orthodontic treatment plan, and if your 3Smile treatment® splints is the most suitable for you.


Stage No 2

a 3D video is created that shows the progression from the initial to the final result of your teeth and the process of making the very smooth transparent dentures proceeds.

Stage No 3

Protect your new smile

The treatment should be completed with an additional retainer to prevent your teeth from returning to their original position. At the end of the treatment the doctor will give you a free set of removable retainers (Retainer), which you should wear at night.